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Un inventario trecentesco dell'abbazia di Santo Stefano di Genova

2022 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 7-30

  • The contribution examines the inventory of goods in St Stephen's Abbey in Genoa drawn up on 10 November 1327 by the notary Benedetto Vivaldi on the death of the Abbot Guglielmo. The list, which includes 151 books located in the abbey, the church, and the sacristy, the texts of which are here identified for the first time, is compared with other earlier and later monastic inventories, as well as those which were compiled in the same period. The picture emerges of a book collection the development and canon of which are in line with liturgical requirements, the education needed for the monks and their spiritual edification. The Abbey was a closed world, focused on itself and immune to the influences and temptations which could come from the urban life of the port of Genoa. [Publisher's text]

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Bibliofilia : rivista di storia del libro e di bibliografia : CXXIV, 1, 2022