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Neolithic Houses in Northwest Europe and beyond

2002 - Oxbow Books

213 p.

  • A digital reprint which makes available again the first publication of the Neolithic Studies Group, containing papers given to a special colloquium on the `structures' of Neolithic Europe. Contributions include: Neolithic houses in mainland Britain and Ireland - a skeptical view (Julian Thomas); Houses in context: Building as process (Alasdair Whitlle); A Central European Perspective (Jonathon Last); Neolithic houses in Ireland (Eoin Grogan); Neolithic buildings in Scotland (Gordon Barclay); Neolithic buildings in England, Wales and the Isle of Man (Tim Darvill); Mesolithic or later houses at Bowmans Farm, Romsey Extra, Hampshire (Francis Green); Ballygalley houses, co.Antrim (Derek Simpson); Later Neolthic Structires at Trelystan, Powys (Alex Gibson); Life, times and works of House 59, Tell Ovcharovo, Bulgaria (Douglass Bailey); Structure ans ritual in Neolithic houses (Peter Topping); Architecture and Cosmology in the Balinese house: life is not that simple (Colin Richards); Houses in the Neolithic imaginat
  • ion: an Amazonian Example (Christine Hugh-Jones). [Publisher's text].
  • Special access authorizations may apply; please contact us for further information.