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La prospettiva translocale nell'analisi socio-giuridica dei confini

2021 - Franco Angeli

43-67 p.

In this paper, I will first explain the theoretical concept of "translocal legalities", departing from the debate around transnational law, then I will apply it to the sociolegal study of border control. Such concept provides us with a theoretical lens to observe the transformations of law that: a) occur in other sites than the traditional ones of lawmaking processes, and b) develop from below, namely, from the encounter between local struggles and transnational law. This concept provides thus some tools to rethink the relationship between law and borders. Although illegalised and undeportable migrants are invisible to law, their very presence in host societies reveals the emergence of new forms of normativity, through which these subjectivities are produced, acknowledged and regulated, resulting from the intersection between legal and normative processes at the transnational level.

This situation raises some crucial questions: what is law when it comes to borders? On what scale does law operate in this field? On what level can law be transformed? Is it possible to use law to enhance inclusion? [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia del diritto : 3, 2021