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China Rising

2017 - Red Globe Press

244 p.

  • This comprehensive text examines Chinese foreign policy with a focus on the recent dramatic changes in China's place and role in the world. Covering both the economic and security dimensions of China's foreign policy-making as well as its key bilateral relationships, it offers students a clear and systematic introduction to the key challenges and prospects posed by China's rise. Using a wealth of sources, the book explores how the Chinese perceive their country's growing role and considers whether Chinese foreign policy is still conducted, as it has been traditionally, in line with what the Chinese regard as being core values and national interests, particularly a territorial and sovereign integrity, political independence and modernization, as well as a great power status. Written by an expert in Chinese politics and foreign policy, this accessible introduction offers a unique analysis of contemporary China and the economic and security aspects of foreign policy from the twentieth century onwards. It also in
  • cludes the under-analysed relationships between China and other emerging powers. This text is an essential for those studying China within International Relations and Politics degrees, or who are interested in the development of China's foreign policy and its evolving place in the world order. [Publisher's text].
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