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Due unica a stampa del XV secolo dal fondo antico di Casa Andreasi a Mantova

2021 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 87-96

The collection of early printed books in the ‘Casa della beata Osanna Andreasi' in Mantua comprises a small number of interesting early printed editions. The present contribution singles out two unique copies of 15th-century editions: a 1492 indulgence for the monastery of the Augustinian Friars Hermits in Crema, and a single sheet publication with no imprint details containing prayers and catechistic formulas. Printing attributions are proposed for both items: in the case of the first, the Brescian printing house of Battista Farfengo and for the second, that of Andrea Bonetti in Venice. [Publisher's text]

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Bibliofilia : rivista di storia del libro e di bibliografia : CXXIII, 1, 2021