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Organizzazioni assistenziali sovietiche : origini e sviluppo del welfare aziendale alla Fiat (1920-1949)

2021 - Franco Angeli

P. 81-110

  • The present paper reconstructs the appearance and development of a complex of social works for FIAT employees between the Twenties and the Forties of the Twentieth century. Its aim is to verify whether the largest Italian company wanted to integrate the Fordist approach to production of means of transportation with the loyalty of factory and office workers, as well as sharing with managers values such as dedication to work and discipline.
  • In other words, our aim is to understand whether welfare (intended as benefits provided by the company such as the health insurance fund, food stores, sports activities, and so on) was a constitutive com-ponent of the way in which Fiat listed Fordism in Italy. To achieve this goal the author resorted to the consultation of the company's documentary corpus kept at Fiat Historical Archive. Some papers of Political Police Division kept at National Archives were examined too, as well as printed publications, periodical and not, of the period of interest. [Publisher's text]

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Imprese e storia : rivista dell'Associazione per gli studi storici sull'impresa : 44, 2, 2021