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Differences in symbolic representation : Goodman's signification and Cassirer's Darstellung

2021 - Bibliopolis

P. 245-254

  • It is well known that Nelson Goodman referred affirmatively to Ernst Cassirer's philosophy of culture several times in his writings. However, a closer look reveals not only hardly any traces of an extensive confrontation. It also becomes apparent that Goodman and Cassirer conceive of symbolic representation in a fundamentally different way: Whereas Goodman assumes an instrumental use of symbols or signs that reference individual objects, Cassirer focuses on how elements of experience acquire a general meaning through their relations to one another and to the whole nexus of consciousness. Cassirer's approach has little affinity with Goodman's signification and 20th century semiotics in general, but rather adopts the concept of Darstellung from philosophy around 1800, which lends it a renewed relevance. [Publisher's text]

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Cassirer studies : XIII/XIV, 2020/2021