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La teologia naturale, Duns Scoto e la deduzione a priori della Trinità

2021 - Franco Angeli

613-641 p.

In his theological work, Duns Scotus proposes a metaphysical demonstration of the Trinity. He produces an a priori deduction of the Trinitarian emanations, without referring to Holy Scripture or even mentioning the names of the three Persons. Scotus' demonstration represents an essential moment in the history of natural theology. It is therefore necessary to define its status and meaning: Is this a pure treatise on the understanding of faith? Does this treatise offer a purely rational demonstration? How does it relate to metaphysical speculation? We will see that, paradoxically, these three questions are answered in the affirmative. Scotus' treatise belongs to faith, rational demonstration and metaphysics. [Publisher's text].

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Rivista di storia della filosofia : LXXVI, 4, 2021