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Gisella Floreanini e la rete di solidarietà tra l'Ossola liberata e la Svizzera

2020 - Franco Angeli

34-57 p.

  • In the socalled partisan "republics" between summer and autumn 1944, forms of selfgovernment were experimented which prefigured the future Italian constitutional and republican order. In the Ossola Free Zone an interesting experiment was carried out to build a solidarity network and an innovative public assistance plan, in which the role of women, involved in basic activities, but also with government responsibilities, was crucial. A woman, Gisella Floreanini, was in fact appointed Commissioner for Assistance in the Ossola government. The essay analyzes her intervention plan, also with reference to the transnational network of solidarity with neighboring Switzerland. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e problemi contemporanei : 83, 1, 2020