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Segnali di un rinnovato interesse in Italia per il pensiero di Alf Ross

2021 - Franco Angeli

171-177 p.

Between the 1970s and 1990s, legal realism especially the Scandinavian strand attracted much interest among Italian legal philosophers, particularly in Genoa and Bologna. Although this interest has since been waning both in Italy and elsewhere, foremostly Alf Ross's work has been experiencing a renewed attention in recent times particularly through the impetus of some new translations of his work, with some accompanying critical studies. Highly relevant is the translation of his 1933 Kritik der sogenannten praktischen Erkenntnis, zugleich Prolegomena zu einer Kritik der Rechtswissenschaft, edited by Alessio Sardo and Nicoletta Bersier, providing scholars in Italy with wide access to a work in which Ross lays the foundation for an authentic science of law, through a critique of moral cognitivism and a defense of emotivism. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia del diritto : 1, 2021