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Io vengo e mi inginocchio su questo Golgota del mondo moderno : il convento del Carmelo di Auschwitz e il processo di cristianizzazione della Shoah

2021 - Franco Angeli

57-71 p.

  • The article aims to focus on some aspects concerning the controversy that developed between the beginning of the 1980s and the mid1990s around the establishment of a Catholic convent in the AuschwitzBirkenau concentration camp. The presence of a Catholic building in the heart of a place charged with historical and symbolic significance for the memory of the Jewish genocide, has been denounced over time in various forms and in different circumstances by the European and American Jewish communities, generating a polemic that for almost a decade has negatively affected the already fragile relations between the Catholic and Jewish worlds. [Publisher's text].

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Passato e presente : rivista di storia contemporanea : 114, 3, 2021