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Indagine esplorativa sugli esami universitari a distanza

2021 - Franco Angeli

63-80 p.

Since March 2020, the pandemic has forced schools and universities to suddenly move examinations and lectures to remote locations. In order to generate useful knowledge to inform practices in a situation characterised by the sudden transfer to remote locations of activities and processes that until a few days before took place in presence, the TeachersStudents Commission of the Department of Education Sciences of the University of Roma Tre partially revised the traditional approach, introducing two questionnaires: on the one hand, the aim was to detect the students' beliefs about distance teaching (DaD) and its delivery methods, and on the other hand, the aim was to detect the views and opinions about the conduct of distance examinations (EaD). In this paper we consider the beliefs and opinions of 250 students regarding the EaD, trying to understand how the offer of profit exams has been used and evaluated by the students enrolled in the various degree courses. [Publisher's text].

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Cadmo : giornale italiano di pedagogia sperimentale : 1, 2021