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La comparaison au-delà des systèmes de droit : la protection de l'environnement

2021 - Franco Angeli

5-31 p.

  • Due tesi di fondo, distinte ma strettamente correlate tra loro, sono al centro di questo saggio. La prima è che la globalizzazione, non solo economica e tecnologica, ma anche sociale e culturale, incidendo sul piano giuridico chiama in causa il diritto comparato per ripensarne e riaffermarne la propria vocazione di studio critico di problematiche ed esperienze giuridiche e normative, che si pone, al livello teorico, come modo autoriflessivo di conoscenza del diritto. [Testo dell'editore].
  • Two basic theses, distinct but closely related to each other, are the focus of this essay. The first one is that globalization, not only economic and technological, but also social and cultural, by affecting the legal plan calls into question comparative law to rethink and reaffirm its own value of critical study of legal and normative issues and experiences, which poses itself, at the theoretical level, as a selfreflective way of knowing the law.
  • The second one is that there are topics, as it is the emblematic case of the environmental protection, which take on the character of 'foundations' of law comparison, in the sense of representing a paradigm of a new methodological and epistemological statute of this field of legal studies, which instead of knowing the world through the law, like the classifications (taxonomies) of world legal systems, it seeks to know the law through the world, in its 'global' dimension, at once territorial and spatial, particular and common, relative and universal, as polarities that are not oppositional, but complementary [Publisher's text].

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Cittadinanza europea : XVIII, 1, 2021