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Parità, educazione e stereotipi di genere : riflessioni a partire da Mujeres : rebeldes y visionarias di María Leoba Castañeda Rivas

2020 - Franco Angeli

167-185 p.

  • Stereotypes are necessary to simplify social life. The problem arises when they serve also as normative and persistent bases to justify discrimination, rather than as mere schemes for simplifying reality. Starting from the analysis of María Leoba Castañeda Rivas's recent work on the subject (Mujeres. Rebeldes y visionarias), the article examines the current persistence of gender stereotypes, in the face, on the one hand, of the proliferation of regulations aimed at achieving gender equality, which is contrasted, on the other hand, by the scarcity of educational and truly constructive initiatives on the subject. However, the latter ones are strongly recommended by the Istanbul Convention. The article finally concludes with the evaluation of a virtuous educational project currently being tested in a Spanish school, which could serve as a model in this sense. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia del diritto : 3, 2020