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"Cooperando si impara" : l'esperienza dei Project Work

2021 - Franco Angeli

134-147 p.

Current scenarios in healthcare settings request health and social workers to collaborate in multi-professional teams within networks that cross organisational boundaries and discipli-nary fences. In addition to technical and professional skills, operators and middle manage-ment must therefore develop relational skills to manage transversal projects by integrating different ways of working, languages, knowledge and ethics of the trade. To meet these training needs, the Master in Management and Innovation in Healthcare Companies uses Project Works (PW). Experiencing multidisciplinary teamwork while carrying out a re-search-action in their own organisational contexts to identify critical issues and design im-provements, participants learn to collaborate with different professions, manage conflicts and negotiate their respective leadership role.

Revisiting the experience as a PW tutor, the article analyses this cooperative learning and reports the participants' evaluation of their training process. [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XX, 1, 2021