Tavoni, Maria Gioia Movable books, pages and signs : reading between the lines 2019 - Fondazione Tancredi di Barolo
Tavoni, Maria Gioia Movable books, pages and signs : reading between the lines 2019 - Fondazione Tancredi di Barolo P. 7-9 Fa parte di Pop-app : science, art and play in the history of movable books from paper to apps Capitoli dello stesso volume (disponibili singolarmente) Introduction Ottieni capitolo Movable books, pages and signs : reading between the lines Methods and disciplinary applications of paper instruments from the 13th to the 17th century Ottieni capitolo Wheels of knowledge and Llullian volvelles Ottieni capitolo The paper machine Ottieni capitolo Movable cognitive devices in mnemonic and rhetoric treatises in the modern age. Ottieni capitolo Regiomontanus' Kalendarium Ottieni capitolo Nebbia di fili : paper instruments for pratical astronomy (1474-1613) Ottieni capitolo Rotae, tabulae orbicularis and calendar volvelles Ottieni capitolo Books of fate in motion between art and divination Ottieni capitolo Prints in dialogue with movable books Ottieni capitolo Ancient movable books (15th-18th centuries) : types and production techniques Ottieni capitolo Con patienza et applicatione : movable books : instructions for use. Ottieni capitolo Movable children's books creative platforms from paper to apps Ottieni capitolo Books in play Ottieni capitolo Experiences of vision : the relationship between movable books and pre-cinema machines Ottieni capitolo Books, robots and apps, between past present and future Ottieni capitolo In the era of multimediality : John Maeda's Reactive Books Ottieni capitolo Glossary Ottieni capitolo Informazioni Codice DOI: 10.1400/279781 Permalink: http://digital.casalini.it/10.1400/279781