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Germanico nel contesto politico di età Giulio Claudia : la figura, il carisma, la memoria : Perugia, 21-22 novembre 2019

2020 - L'Erma di Bretschneider

vi, 233 p. : ill.

Germanicus and his large family (his wife Agrippina Major and nine children) embodied in Tiberius' Rome a new political model that looked beyond the boundaries of tradition and opened up to elements that had remained outside the scene of power until then. They bore the blood of the Julii and the Claudii, and this was an omen of a synthesis, which in the second part of the dynasty extended to include the partial but significant revival of the legacy of Mark Antony and some of his political choices. This book is the result of the International Conference held in the winter of 2019 in Perugia and it analyzes how a great figure, who did not succeed in fully consecrating himself, not only marked a significant part of the reign of the first successor of Augustus, but also the subsequent internal games of the first dynasty for the succession to power, whose results, certainly not by chance, saw the affirmation of his son, and then his brother and of his nephew. [Publisher's text]

Proceedings of a meeting held in Perugia, Italy, November 21-22, 2019.

Germanicus Caesar (15 B.C.-19 A.D.).