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Le frontiere del sapere economico : il processo di trasmissione della scienza economica francese e tedesca in Sicilia nel corso dell'Ottocento

2014 - Editoriale Scientifica

204-233 p.

In recent years, the historians of italian economic thought have attempted to investigate the frontiers of economic knowledge and searched historical relationships produced between the Italian economic thought and that of other countries. They have highlighted the methods and times in which the main theories and economic categories in different areas were well established and evolved. Within this context it acquires a precise meaning to reread in a different way, the economic and political debate that came on in Sicily in '48 and, was amplified, in the European collision, as it becomes important to analyze the spread of German economic culture in the second half of the nineteenth century in order to show how the process of importation and acclimatization in Italy was profoundly affected by national factors. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : VI, 2, 2014