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Lirica politica e impegno civile per l'Unità d'Italia nell'esperienza di Giannina Milli

2016 - Editoriale Scientifica

547-566 p.

Since her youth, Giannina Milli (Teramo, 1825 - Florence, 1888) had standed out as extemporaneous poet, exerting a controversial literary genre that, nevertheless, sensitized her listeners to the national unification, strenuously sponsored in those cities that marked her patriotic and lyrical path. After March 17, 1861, she committed herself to the completion of the National process of unification with the inclusion of Veneto and Rome. She was subsequently appointed by the ministery of education to many teaching posts, relevant ministerial posts in teaching. She became a point of reference for many people, who recognized her as an authoritative figure in the institutions of the newly unified state. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : VIII, 3, 2016