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Ettore Carozzo : popolare ligure antifascista ed editore dei fuoriusciti in Francia

2020 - Editoriale Scientifica

302-314 p.

By means of archival sources, this study reconstructs the life of anti-fascist Ettore Carozzo, an engineer from a wealthy family, who fought in the Great War, and who was politically active in the context of the Italian People's Party (Partito Popolare Italiano) founded by Don Sturzo. With the coming to power of Fascism in Italy and the abolition of freedom and of the press, Carozzo decided to move abroad. A pioneer of the publishing industry in Paris, his printing press began helping the exiled Italian members of the People's Party by publishing books and magazines. Ettore Carozzo maintained a close relationship with anti-fascist intellectuals Luigi Sturzo, Gaetano Salvemini, and Luigi Francesco Ferrari. In the post-war period, his work as an anti-fascist editor and his willingness to help out political refugees in Paris was soon forgotten. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : XII, 2, 2020