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Il progetto di ricerca CORE sulla psicoterapia della Gestalt in UK : i risultati

2020 - Franco Angeli

103-115 p.

Da qualche decennio il mondo clinico è sempre più consapevole che fare ricerca in psicoterapia è necessario per uscire dall'autoreferenzialità e dimostrare scientificamente se la psicoterapia funziona e come. Presentiamo qui una ricerca sugli esiti della psicoterapia con il modello gestaltico condotta nel Regno Unito dalla comunità gestaltica inglese utilizzando il CORE-OM. È un esempio di come può essere attuata una ricerca in modo rigoroso e con un contributo volontario. L'articolo illustra i risultati, i limiti e le risorse di questo tipo di ricerca e confronta i dati trovati con i risultati ottenuti da altri modelli. I risultati ottenuti di-mostrano che gli psicoterapeuti della Gestalt sono efficaci quanto i terapeuti formati in altri approcci che lavorano nei Servizi di Salute Nazionali (NHS - National Health Services) e nelle cure primarie. [Testo dell'editore].

This article will describe a research project of results with the gestalt approach did in the United Kindom by the English gestalt community using CORE-OM. It is an example of how we can do research rigorously and with a voluntary contribution. The Clinicians are now more aware that doing research in psychotherapy is important in order not to be self-referential and to demonstrate scientifically whether psychotherapy works and how. The CORE-OM System (clinical outcome routine evaluation - outcome measurement) is based on a research paradigm of Practice-Based Evidence. It is validated, is the most widely used, internationally and nationally, by therapy approaches and within psychotherapy services. Since it is atheoretical, easy to use and collects quantitative data, it encourages clinicians to do research. We publish this article to introduce psychotherapy research to Italian Gestalt therapists and to encourage them to do research.

Furthermore, we publish it because, start-ing from this research, the Gestalt Community decided to repeat the outcome research with CORE-OM in Italy (La Rosa et al., 2019). This paper will describe the ground in the UK, briefly the tool, the research project, the data description and the results. Also, it has dis-cussion about limits and resources of this research. The Gestalt sample in this study was compared with the effectiveness of same studies with cognitive-behavioural, person-centered and psychodynamic therapies with CORE-OM. The article also shows the addi-tional standard measures used in the CORE-OM literature to access the efficacy of therapy, reliable and clinically significant improvement over other studies. The results show that Gestalt psychotherapists are as effective as therapists trained in other approaches working in national health services and primary care. [Publisher's text].

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Quaderni di Gestalt : rivista semestrale di psicoterapia della Gestalt : 1, 2020