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La complessa questione della maternità surrogata tra rispetto dell'ordine pubblico e protezione del best interest of the child : un percorso ermeneutico non sempre coerente

2020 - Franco Angeli

201-222 p.

This paper aims to analyze the Italian law on medically assisted procreation (Law n. 40 of 2004) and particularly the prohibition of surrogacy under Article 12. This procedure is in fact prohibited in Italy's legal system; anyway, there have been cases in which many couples (het-erosexual and homosexual) went to the States where this practice is allowed to access the pro-cedure, in violation of the limitation of international public order. In this context, there is the problem of the legal recognition of the foreign birth certificate. However, the issue of surrogacy raises a series of problems relating to the legal qualification of the interested parties, also in consideration of the necessity to respect the relationship of parent with the child. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia del diritto : 1, 2020