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Experimental love, or love as the sum total of deviations from its modern principles

2019 - Franco Angeli

25-54 p.

Love is still a powerful "cultural imperative", in cases where society still wants to furnish symbols for "personalising" communication. There is a huge need for a cultivated semantics and for the capacity to learn. But, as once Luhmann said the points of orientation for the codification of love as a symbolic medium have shifted so radically that one can hardly tell whether and which topics of the semantics of love can be adopted and further employed. Is it really possible that semantic of love cannot condense shared and communicable meanings anymore?.

The glaring contradiction between a love that has been deflated and a love which is growingly requested as a symbol, calls for more radical thinking. Maybe the concept of "culture" where we are looking for answers is unsuitable: too coherent, recorded in a modern, excessively structured, stable encyclopaedia. Maybe we would be better advised to search, in a constantly open flux of communications, for the proliferation of micro-semantics and subcultures of love that are being updated all the time [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia e politiche sociali : 3, 2019