Figures du maître et de la maîtrise de soi chez Diderot : de la philosophie à la pédagogie
P. 89-105
The Encyclopédie (1751-1772) of Diderot and D'Alembert, is a real School of Enlightenment. In this article Encyclopédie Diderot insists on this pedagogical aspect of the encyclopaedists' work, by stressing the Greek etymology of the term: en-kyklos-paidèia, formation, education (paidéia, word composed by the Greek word païs, child) of the human mind, through the «circle» (kuklos) of knowledge and cognitions. In his Instructions for Empress Catherine II of Russia, Diderot emphasizes the universal and transdisciplinary aspect of the scholastic formation: a real Public School, open to all citizens. Wecan now ask: is the model of the School of the Enlightenment – secular, republican, egalitarian and excellent – still possible? [Editor's text]
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Codice DOI: 10.1400/275493
ISSN: 2038-6613