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Uno spaccato dell'ambiente accademico tedesco di inizio Novecento : il caso di Ernst Cassirer nel Briefwechsel di Edmund Husserl

2019 - Franco Angeli

643-661 p.

The Case of Ernst Cassirer in the Briefwechsel of Edmund Husserl. The article aims to reconstruct the relationship between Edmund Husserl and Ernst Cassirer from an academic perspective. The source of this enquiry is Husserl's Briefwechsel, but as well as the epistolary exchange between the two authors, also the letters in which Cassirer is mentioned are taken into account. The Author thus brings to light the academic connections that linked the German universities into a complex system, in which the young Cassirer tried to find his place. The result of this study is to give a perspective on Cassirer's career seen from the point of view of the phenomenologist that shows the role played by Husserl in the academic path of the Neo-Kantian philosopher. On the other hand, the exchange provides an insight into the double-edged relation of proximity and distance between the two philosophers. [Publisher's text].

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Rivista di storia della filosofia : LXXIV, 4, 2019