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Disaster management e migrazioni : evoluzione e limiti dei nuovi strumenti giuridici adottati nelle Filippine, in Bangladesh e in Nepal

2019 - Franco Angeli

157-181 p.

  • This article is a critical reconstruction of the new legal instruments on disaster management and migration provided by the Philippines, Bangladesh and Nepal (three countries that are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events). In the last ten years Philippines, Bangladesh and Nepal endorsed the main international agreements on disaster management and adopted new national Disaster Management Acts. Despite several legal improvements, sets of shortcomings still undermine the effectiveness of the new legislative measures, namely: lacks in the protection of (especially non-national) disaster displaced people, international and re-gional isolation, lack of co-ordination between the different levels of governance, abuse of non-binding instruments; uncertainty; social and cultural dynamics. The national legislators should take into account the problems deriving from the internal dynamics of the local social groups, in order to achieve the objectives outlined by international legislation. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia del diritto : 3, 2019