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Gino Borgatta, la Grande Guerra e la propaganda per i prestiti tra convinzioni patriottiche e convenienze economiche

2019 - Franco Angeli

195-214 p.

  • The examination of loan promotion activity carried out by the economist Gino Borgatta, here retraced, intends to present itself as a piece of the broader analysis of the propaganda of national loans during the Great War, which still has not been suffi ciently explored. The author reconstructs the economic and political reasons put forth by Borgatta to induce taxpayers to accept the loan. The journalistic commitment of Einaudi and Pareto's pupil would thus have helped to unite the internal front, presenting the loans as an integral part of that levée en masse invoked by government authorities as dutifully complementary to the blood tribute off ered in the trenches. [Publisher's text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XVIII, 1, 2019