La lenta transizione all'età adulta nel modello mediterraneo italiano : traguardi di indipendenza, orientamenti valoriali, progettualità di vita e rappresentazione di sé.
51-69 p.
The paper investigates the features of the Italian Mediterranean model of the transition to adulthood. The research implements a multidimensional approach that analyses the young individuals' condition of independence on major areas of life (education-work, household, family) and values, life planning and self-representation. The empirical survey is conducted on two samples, representative of the Italian and the Campania populations. The comparative analysis shows the common traits of housing and economic dependence on the parents, and the weaknesses of the emotional-affective sphere; on the socio-psycho-logical dimensions, overall self-determination prevails in both, while the samples differ on chronological perspectives and the balance in social relations [Publisher's text].
Fa parte di
Sociologia e ricerca sociale : 118, 1, 2019-
Articoli dello stesso fascicolo (disponibili singolarmente)
Codice DOI: 10.3280/SR2019-118003
ISSN: 1971-8446