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Art historical photo archives and Semantic Web : problems, resources and research lines

2019 - EUM - Edizioni Università di Macerata

P. 37-47

In this paper are presented problems, resources, and research lines related to the application Semantic Web technologies in art historical photo archives. In detail, (1) benefits of the usage Linked Open Data for art historians are illustrated, (2) a research line shared between cataloguers and art historians is proposed, namely the definition and retrieval of authoritative artwork attributions in art historical photo archives, (3) a methodology for formalising such a problem is described, and (4) limits and future work related to the valorisation of photo archives catalogues are discussed. [Publisher's text]

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JLIS : Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science = Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia, archivistica e scienza dell'informazione : 10, 2, 2019