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Caporetto nella sfera pubblica, cent'anni dopo

2019 - Franco Angeli

90-110 p.

The centenary of the Italian defeat at Caporetto has been, within the Italian Centenary of the First World War, an important event. Official commemorations, speeches by the President of the Republic, cinema, theater, daily press, specialized press in history have spoken about it. Many books have been published, mostly written by non-professionals. Also scholars have contributed to the centenary of Caporetto, with scholarly conferences and researched monographs. The article aims at understanding what impact all this has had in the public sphere and if, in the framework of the Centenary, the historical interpretation emerged in the fiftieth anniversary and then codified in scholarly monographs has been questioned, at the level of the public sphere. [Publisher's text].

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Passato e presente : rivista di storia contemporanea : 106, 1, 2019