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Origini e trasformazione della Poetica di Aristotele

2019 - Franco Angeli

21-33 p.

Cross references in Aristotle's Politics VII and VIII and Poetics show that all three had been written as parts of a single complex work. This should demonstrate that some parts of Plato's Republic are wrong, above all regarding the question of the best way to educate citizens through poetry. Moreover, an examination of both the explicit and the allusive quotations and references shows that the Poetics presupposes the existence of Politics VII and VIII. On the other hand, it is evident that the Aristotelian project had been suddenly interrupted both in its complex design (the refutation of the Platonic kallipolis) and in the particular issue of the educational utility of poetry. It is clearly possible that some parts of the original project are now lost (e.g. the second book of the Poetics).

But it is much more probable that at a certain point Aristotle realized that there were great difficulties in his own argument, and he had no time - or interest - to correct and complete the works on political and educational matters. [Publisher's text].

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Rivista di storia della filosofia : LXXIV, 1, 2019