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Comunicazione sanitaria e volontariato nella prima guerra mondiale : la Croce Rossa Italiana

2019 - Franco Angeli

164-175 p.

  • As a result of the development of new communication technologies, at the beginning of the twentieth century even the Red Cross started using Public Relations strategies and new communication channels, such as affiche, posters, postcards and postage stamps, in order to spread a volunteering spirit to assist the soldiers engaged in war.he same time, in the years of the Great War a new social phenomenon began: the ex-traordinary spread of letters and postcards as effective contact between soldiers and their families. These became a communication channel parallel to the printed paper, which, despite the military censorship, contributed to spread news regarding the real condition of soldiers in war, outside and beyond newspapers' propaganda. [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XVIII, 1, 2019