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Diritto a crescere in famiglia, legami da stringere fuori famiglia : riflessioni su una ricerca qualitativa sull'affido etero-familiare in Veneto (Italia)

2018 - Franco Angeli

111-130 p.

The foster care system is a resource for the whole community. It gives voice to the right of the child to grow in a family environment, when his or her natural family is temporarily not able to handle his or her best interest (art. 3, Convention on the Rights of the Child). Secondly, it activates relations, connects two worlds (natural and foster families), or even more than two, when it helps building bridges among foster families that support each other in their experiences, in order to face difficulties, and that can serve as a starting point for wider forms of solidarity among families. This article briefly describes some of the results of a qualitative research on foster care system, conducted in some cities in the Veneto (Italy) and based on in-depth interviews and focus groups. The research aims at analyzing crucial aspects of foster care system, namely specific problems related to the initial training and guidance for foster families. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia del diritto : 3, 2018