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Dal primato della nazione alla sfida dell'ordine post bipolare : evoluzione e prospettive della politica estera italiana

2018 - Franco Angeli

78-95 p.

The author argues that Italy's shrinking place in a globalized world has its source in the lack of a full-fledged reconsideration of the foreign policy criteria established during the Cold War era. The dramatic defeat in World War II had imposed upon the new Italian ruling class the transition from a foreign policy focused on the rise of the nation-state to the notions of interdependence and multilateralism. However, in the last few years the crisis of these parameters on a global scale has been challenging Italy's role within the context of its traditional spheres of action such as the Atlantic Alliance, the European construction and the Mediterranean area. [Publishers' text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XVII, 1, 2018