Venti anni 2018 - Fabrizio Serra Editore 7-7 p. Fa parte di Parthica : incontri di culture nel mondo antico : 20, 2018 Articoli dello stesso fascicolo (disponibili singolarmente) Venti anni Royal fires in the ancient Iranian world : the evidence from Akchakhan-Kala, Chorasmia Ottieni articolo Preliminary report on the third season of excavation of the Iranian-Italian Joint Expedition in Khuzestan at Kal-e Chendar, Shami (8th campaign, 2015) Ottieni articolo Nisa-Mihrdatkirt : changing conceptions Ottieni articolo Sanctuaries and 'dynastic cults' in the Indo-Iranian world : Arsacid, Indo-Parthian and Kushan evidence Ottieni articolo Description, classification and typology of the excavated Parthian pottery from Qal'eh-i Yazdigird, Kermanshah province, Iran Ottieni articolo Two Parthian period rock reliefs from Iraqi Kurdistan Ottieni articolo A review of the sequence of Hatra rulers and the role of the inscription H416 Ottieni articolo Informazioni Codice DOI: 10.19272/201803501001 ISSN: 1724-1928 Permalink: Permalink: