Versione Digitale

Personal Data Protection and Archival Records Digital Reproduction

2016 - EUM - Edizioni Università di Macerata

121-138 p.

  • The digital reproduction of archival records involves different rights as the right of scientific reseaech, the right of free expression of thought but also the right to privacy. These rights must be carefully balanced. The relationship between them is analyzed in legal terms, under Italian legislation, and in technological terms, just about the use of the technologies of the digital reproduction of documents, with particular attention to the concepts of communication and dissemination of personal data. The paper shows that the existing regulation framework fully meets the needs of protection of privacy, including in relation to technological changes taking place. Finally it proposes strengthening instruments like the statement of informed consent and the elaboration of specific policies to ensure the highest possible protection. [Publisher's Text].

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JLIS : Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science = Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia, archivistica e scienza dell'informazione : 7, 3, 2016