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RDA's Pros And Cons : One Point Of View From Brazil

2014 - EUM - Edizioni Università di Macerata

5-17 p.

This study group intends to analyze the Resource Description and Access (RDA) code's pros and cons, under one point of view of some Brazilian catalogers, that is, from an emerging country. The five International Meetings of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code (IME ICC) brought many expectations world-wide about a new international cataloging code, free as the International Standard Bibliogrpahic Description (ISBD), and that could merge different points of view for cataloging questions. The RDA proposes itself to be this international cataloging code. Undoubtedly, it brings innovations and various positive points, as the introduction of digital materials and some elements from the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Description (FRBR) family. At the same time, RDA can be analyzed under other aspects, such as:.

a) it is not as close to FRBR as expected, by keeping a more descriptive approach instead of a relationship model one; b) it is not as far from AACR2 as expected, by keeping rules and examples to catalog manifestations instead of a multiple level approach; c) as a consequence, it doesn't use all possibilities offered by the new computer technologies; d) the facet translation versus adaptation: in Brazil, AACR2′s translation was restricted to the original text, not including solutions and examples used in our country and with our language. It is expected that RDA respects these issues; e) and last, but not least, the RDA prices for licencing or copyright must consider the current world economic crisis, specially for emergent and developing countries. RDA remains an open question, although it brough many improvements for cataloging practices. [Publisher's Text].

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JLIS : Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science = Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia, archivistica e scienza dell'informazione : 5, 2, 2014