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Contestualizzare le politiche urbane di sostenibilità : il ruolo del capitale sociale territoriale

2017 - Franco Angeli

26-38 p.

  • The paper proposes a theoretical and methodological contribution on the role of the neighbourhood in contextualising sustainability policies and in guiding environmental governance at the urban level. In a perspective that sees compact urban system as a body and its communities as cells, the work focuses on the neighborhood in an ecological key, assuming it as a fundamental analytical unit to contextualise the socio-environmental innovation, both in terms of policies and bottom-up practices. Analyzing social and spatial inequalities that specifically characterize the urban neighborhoods and civic resources that represent catalysts of socio-environmental innovation, we introduce the theme of territorial social capital. A methodological path for its measurement is outlined, through a collection of information at the micro level, integrating classical research techniques with an approach known as "Ecometrics".
  • Through these tools, it is possible to pay due attention to the social and spatial morphology of neighborhoods: different territorial social capitals become a key element for the planning and implementation of urban policies and practices of sustainable transition. [Publishers' text].

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Prisma : economia, società, lavoro : 1/2, 2017