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L'historiographie française récente sur la Première guerre mondiale

2017 - Franco Angeli

58-74 p.

  • French studies of the First World have experienced since several years a real revival, spurred of course by the centenary of the conflict. The more classical approaches (military history, diplomacy, domestic affairs) have been thoroughly updated. And new lines of research have been opened: the daily life of the soldiers and of the home front, including social, economic, moral and religious aspects. In other words: the history of the war "from below", in order to understand how such a long, brutal and total war could be tolerated for five years. Another line of approach has been to explore the interplay of history and remembrance. And there has been an important development of comparatives studies, to broaden the purely national perspective into a European or even a global one. [Publishers' text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XVI, 2, 2017