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Il suicidio nelle carceri : un'analisi sociologica del fenomeno

2018 - Franco Angeli

88-104 p.

Suicide is often one of the most common causes of death in prison. Each suicide has its own story, whereby the dynamics, the causes, the circumstances and the factors that induce the subject to commit this extreme act should be analysed. Such act is to be understood as a way to communicate a dramatic and desperate situation, that didn't find any solution in society. The convict, in this way, finds in suicide an escape from the situation he is in. The lost of hope and fear of the future, like the composure to adapt to the prison life can push the convict towards the enable to manage the uncertainty of his existence. The entrance in prison could represent a moment in which there is a manifestation of a feeling of bewilderment, confusion and apprehension, called "trauma of entrance" which changes from subject to subject.

In the present paper the idea is to provide a context of the phenomenon of suicide in general, to present the total institution of prison, as well as to analyse the phenomenon of suicide inside of the same prison. [Publishers' text].

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Salute e società : XVII, 1, 2018