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La psicoterapia come arte/scienza della gestione dei processi nei sistemi complessi

2017 - Franco Angeli

55-67 p.

The author deals with the issue of considering clinical pratice in psychotherapy as a science or as art beginning, according to his view, on the description of some of the main points that nowadays characterize epistemological awareness. In the light of these assumptions, the psychotherapy meeting, is intended as a process of mutual understanding. This process creates a relational system in evolution where each one is creator and creature of the ongoing process. This allows to interpret psychotherapy as the art of management and change of complex and recursive systems. Psychotherapy is art, and therefore it is science (cybernetics); i.e.: psychotherapy is science (cybernetics), and then is art. [Publisher's Text].

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Psicobiettivo : rivista quadrimestrale di psicoterapie a confronto : XXXVII, 1, 2017