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Uno sviluppo illuminato : l'Azienda elettrica municipale di Milano nel secondo dopoguerra

2016 - Franco Angeli

117-135 p.

  • In the essay it traces the history of Milan Municipal Electric Company in the decades after World War II, when the company wins a relevant role in the Italian energy events and in the Milan transformation into a modern metro-polis. The culmination of this process coincides with the chairmanship of Roberto Tremelloni and fulfilled in the years of the "economic miracle". After overcoming the difficult phase of reconstruction, the production com-pany expansion occurs between the fifties and sixties, through the prepara-tion of three development plans, able to meet the growing demand for ele-ctricity by private and industries. This phase ended in the mid-sixties, with Enel birth. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e problemi contemporanei : 73, 3, 2016