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La nascita dello Stato turco come risultato di un lungo processo di europeizzazione dell'Impero ottomano

2016 - Franco Angeli

13-28 p.

  • The crisis of the Ottoman Empire ended with the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923. However, a long process of transformation of political, economical and social imperial structures drove to the foundation of the Turkish State as a European Secular State. The process of Europeanisation of the Ottoman Empire passed across the Tanzimat period - reforms made by the Ottomans during the XIX century - and the rise on power by the Young Turks - the nationalist movement from where Musfata Kemal Atatürk came out. The Kemalist reforms, almost all inspired by the European models of State, accomplished the nationalisation of the religious structures, the Turkish ethnic cleansing and the alliance between Turkey and the West.[Publisher's Text].

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Storia e problemi contemporanei : 72, 2, 2016