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Di cosa parlano quando parlano di resilienza urbana

2016 - Franco Angeli

55-66 p.

  • Resilience is the new black. Overworked as the previous fashionable adjectives for XXI century cities, now more than ever self-labeling smarter or greener according to the available market levers, we should try to frame this term also outside the functionalistic rhetoric. In the first part of the paper, we highlight the main current resilience translations into facts, narrated and dragged up in the theoretical frames of the disciplines more or less related to the urban dimension. In the second part, risks connected to the perverse use of the resilience metaphor are stressed. Cities - and citizens - may be honoured for being adaptable to changes, but this could have been done in order to preserve the current state of equilibrium among powers and stakeholders of the actual urban governance [Publisher's Text].

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CRIOS : critica degli ordinamenti spaziali : 12, 2, 2016