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Se i medici sapessero, se i pazienti potessero : Comunità di Pratiche di gestione della malattia oncologica

2016 - Franco Angeli

116-137 p.

  • "Se i medici sapessero se i pazienti potessero" is an Action-Research project sponsored by the Department of Education, Humanities and Intercultural Communication at the University of Siena, started in March 2016. Built on the experience and the literature that identifies the group as a resource and place of peer learning, the goal of the project is to determine whether, and under which conditions, it is possible to establish a Community of Practice (CoP) that allows a social approach to the oncologic disease, emphasizing the exchange of knowledge between participants who are interested in experimenting this new approach to and management of the treatment. [Publisher's Text].

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Educational reflective practices : 1, 2016