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Il meticciato nella stanza d'analisi : la contaminazione tra i modelli di funzionamento della psiche

2009 - Franco Angeli

19-45 p.

The purpose of this article is to reflect on the consequences of the collapse of absolute truths in the field of psycho-dynamic doctrines. The collapse has caused a serious crisis with a strong negative impact on the clinical operations of the psychoanalyst. The term "matzo", a definition external to psychoanalytic disciplines, is used here figuratively, to hint at the inevitable combination that we see today between different patterns of both psyche behaviours and psychoanalytic models. The author's goal is to focus on how the analyst's mind uses different theories while at work. The ability and fluency to ponder, with no rigidity, on the various hints that come from different theoretical models, entails the need of the full and deep awareness of thinking in analytic terms, i.e. being able to deal with all that is present in the mind of the analyst in relation to the patient. These considerations are supported by a detailed clinical case. [Publisher's Text].

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Studi junghiani : rivista semestrale dell'Associazione italiana di Psicologia Analitica : 30, 2, 2009