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Aspetti transferali e controtransferali del sonno dell'analista in seduta

2009 - Franco Angeli

51-64 p.

The psychoanalyst's moments of sleep during the session are usually considered as failures of the listening. The author holds that they don't concern only the psychoanalyst's inner world but they can be considered as signs hinting at elements of the relation too. The reference to a passage of Homeric Hymn to Hermes and to alchemic model concerning the relation between Soror and Adepto that Jung reproduces in The Psychology of the Transference are the main points of reference of this paper. Two clinical reports explain author's opinion. Parole chiave: linguaggio ermetico, linguaggio apollineo, presagio, sonno dell'analista, corpo, transfert, controtransfert. [Publisher's Text].

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Studi junghiani : rivista semestrale dell'Associazione italiana di Psicologia Analitica : 29, 1, 2009