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Tra sicurezza esterna e interna : Forze Armate e Polizie nell'Italia unita

2016 - Franco Angeli

19-39 p.

  • The article outlines the essential features in the relationships between the armed forces and the police forces in the history of Italy after its unification. It observes that some of these features were already active in the pre-unification period, during the modern history or the decades between the French Revolution and Restoration. Then the articles analyzes the same relationships defining various periods: the Unification, the last decades of the nineteenth century and the first of the twentieth one, the fascist regime (and its "regime of police"), the building of democracy, the difficult reforms began in the Seventies, up to the more recent contemporary decades characterized by several changes. The separation of the roles and the primacy of civilian police onto the armed forces is still not a reality in the Italian police model.

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Sicurezza e scienze sociali : IV, 1, 2016