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Le esperienze di conferencing in area penale minorile

2016 - Franco Angeli

135-147 p.

This article talks about the experiences of family group conferencing, undertaken in the field of criminal justice by the Department for Youth Justice. Moreover, it illustrates the conferencing process as a practice of restorative justice on the basis of the New South Wales experience. The initiatives carried out in Italy can be understood as a wider experience of penal mediation between the victim and the offender (Vom) and, in this scenario, the initiative of travelling mediation (Mediazioni Itineranti) undertaken in Sassari represents a good practice for the dissemination of the restorative justice culture within the local community.

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Minori giustizia : rivista interdisciplinare di studi giuridici, psicologici, pedagogici e sociali sulla relazione fra minorenni e giustizia : 1, 2016