Ricerche storiche : XLIV, 1, 2014 2014 - Polistampa P. 1-164 Fa parte di Ricerche storiche. - Quadrimestrale = Four-monthly, 2005-2015 Articoli dello stesso fascicolo (disponibili singolarmente) Ivano Tognarini, il saluto della redazione Ottieni articolo Introduction : history in public or public history? : greek historical culture today Ottieni articolo Thessaloniki-Bitola : public versions of the Macedonian History in two statues of King Philip II. Ottieni articolo The Macedonian Question in the 1950's : public history, politics and historians in Greece and people's Republic of Macedonia Ottieni articolo Remembering the Greek resistance : politics of memory, reconciliation and oblivion Ottieni articolo Goldhagen, the New Wave and Debates on History : aspects and terms of public history in Germany and Greece Ottieni articolo Public history and the issue of torture under the Colonels' Regime in Greece Ottieni articolo The nation-killing textbook : the polemic over the history textbook In Modern and Contemporary Times (2006-2007) Ottieni articolo Viral histories : historical culture on Greek digital networks Ottieni articolo Grassroots oral history groups in times of economic crisis Ottieni articolo Abstracts Ottieni articolo Gli autori Ottieni articolo Informazioni ISSN: 1974-4072 Permalink: http://digital.casalini.it/2977430 MATERIE Storia e geografia. Seriali